What are the Pre-Defined Variables that drupal provides?
Available variables
- $base_path:
- Returns the base URL path of the Drupal installation. At the very least, this will always default to /.
- $breadcrumb:
- HTML for displaying the breadcrumbs at the top of the page.
- $closure:
- Needs to be displayed at the bottom of the page, for any dynamic javascript that needs to be called once the page has already been displayed.
- $content:
- The HTML content generated by Drupal to be displayed.
- $css:
- An array of all the CSS files for the current page.
- $directory:
- The directory the theme is located in, e.g.
- themes/garland or themes/garland/minelli.
- $feed_icons:
- A string of all feed icons for the current page.
- $footer_message:
- The footer message as defined in the admin settings, also the HTML for the footer region.
- $head:
- HTML as generated by drupal_get_html_head().
- $head_title:
- The text to be displayed in the page title.
- $header:
- HTML for the header region.
- $help:
- Dynamic help text, mostly for admin pages.
- $is_front:
- True if the front page is currently being displayed. Used to toggle the mission.
- $language:
- The language the site is being displayed in.
- $layout:
- This setting allows you to style different types of layout ('none', 'left', 'right' or 'both') differently, depending on how many sidebars are enabled.
- $logo:
- The path to the logo image, as defined in theme configuration.
- $messages:
- HTML for status and error messages, to be displayed at the top of the page.
- $mission:
- The text of the site mission, empty when display has been disabled in theme settings.
- $node
- (5.x and after only) If you are in page.tpl.php displaying a node in full page view then $node is available to your template.
- $onload_attribute:
- (4.7 and older only) Onload tags to be added to the head tag, to allow for autoexecution of attached scripts.
- $primary_links (array)
- An array containing the links as they have been defined in the phptemplate specific configuration block.
- $scripts:
- (5.x and after only) HTML to load the JavaScript files and make the JS settings available. Previously, javascript files are hardcoded into the page.tpl.php
- $search_box:
- True(1) if the search box has been enabled.
- $search_button_text:
- (4.7 and older only)Translated text on the search button.
- $search_description:
- (4.7 and older only)Translated description for the search button.
- $search_url:
- (4.7 and older only)URL the search form is submitted to.
- $secondary_links (array):
- An array containing the links as they have been defined in the phptemplate specific configuration block.
- $sidebar_left:
- The HTML for the left sidebar.
- $sidebar_right:
- The HTML for the right sidebar.
- $site_name
- The name of the site, empty when display has been disabled in theme settings.
- $site_slogan:
- The slogan of the site, empty when display has been disabled in theme settings.
- $styles:
- Required for stylesheet switching to work. This prints out the style tags required.
- $tabs:
- HTML for displaying tabs at the top of the page.
- $title:
- Title, different from head_title, as this is just the node title most of the time.
Enjoy Drupaling.
great post ....
ReplyDeleteits really helpfull...